O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. Nehemiah 1:11
Gary Powell, Executive Director of La Casa de Mi Padre, continually works to stay connected with a diverse group of people who are in positions of power and influence in the country of El Salvador. As a former corporate executive in the hotel industry, his networks of relationships are a vital tool for doing the work of the kingdom. While many would minimize or even criticize cultivating these friendships, the ability of this organization to have meaningful and progressive interventions with the young people of El Salvador depends on it.
Nehemiah is the cup bearer for the King of the Persian Empire. His prayer pleads to an all-powerful God to steer the actions of a powerful boss. The acknowledgement and respect of persons in positions of power is a lesson for many who seek to follow the Lord’s plan. While many label powerful government leaders as adversaries and enemies of God, Nehemiah solicits God’s help to deepen his relationship to the man placed above him.
The vision of La Casa includes 13 buildings to address holistic care to children in their care. With a mission to reconnect children with family through counseling, therapy and mentoring, the farm will offer facilities for housing, on-site counseling, equestrian therapy, education, recreation, and administrative needs.
Third Lens link arms with Gary and staff to implement planned facilities convicted that God will grant relationships to prosper and mercy to be granted. Permits are part of this process and the path forward to assure smooth steps going forward. Cost savings are through the owners of large family controlled businesses. Quality is the result of powerful voices giving orders to tradesman and laborers. We will be faithful to God as He is always faithful to us.